In the case of printing jobs, the post-press process is of utmost importance. This is because this final process determines what our print job is going to look like. The post-press process usually involves the Cutting, Folding, Die-cutting, Wiro-binding, Wiro-Punching, Indexing, Wire stitching, Plain stitching and Ultra-violet exposure.
These are some of the processes that the printed jobs undergo:
A leaflet may be printed and then undergo the processes of cutting and folding. A Visual aid, another of our products, is usually used as a presentation tool. In order to make it more appealing, it could be cut perfectly and laminated. Then, in order to bind it and make it easier to turn each page, it usually undergoes the wiro-punching and the wiro-binding process. In the same manner, if we receive orders of books, it can be bound using the stitching or other methods.
The Post –Press facility makes use of a Programmable Cutting machine to ensure that the paper is cut with precision and as accurately as possible.
These are the details of some of the machines that are utilized during the post-press process.
Type | Quantity | Size |
Programmable Cutting Machine | 2 | 23” x 36” |
Folding Machine | 1 | 23” (4 x 1 Cross Fold) |
Die-Cutting Machine | 3 | |
Wiro Binding Machine | 1 | Up to 1” |
Wiro Punching Machine | 2 | |
Index Machine | 1 | |
Wire Stitching | 3 | Including Loop Stitching |
Ultra Violet Exposing Machine | 1 |
Another option that we offer our clients is that of Foil Stamping. This can usually be done, if required, at our associate’s concern.
Once this stage is complete, next comes the stage that is last, but certainly not the least. This is the Packaging and Distribution process. It is here that your printed orders are securely packed in appropriate boxes, and then delivered to any location or even multiple locations. This is done using the most secure and appropriate forms of shipment that is available for your goods to your location.